The dialog shown above should pop up, browse to 'rendering->Direct3D 10 support'. That should be all read on for more settings.The game should restart and allow the Direct3D 10 renderer to be picked (make sure to select "Show all devices"). Start the game, go into its video options, and click the the renderer selection button.You should end up with a 'd3d10drv.dll' file in said System directory, and a 'd3d10drv' subdirectory with various other files. Examples of this are 'C:\Deus Ex\System' and 'D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex\System'. Unzip the files for the game you're playing to that game's 'system' directory.Tactical Ops: Mikhail informs me the UT renderer sort-of works with 'Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror': the brightness is off and in-hand weapon models aren't drawn. There are also renderers for some specific, non-newest, game versions:
NOT Compatible with Rune Classic (Steam). Tested with Rune 1.07 and Halls of Valhalla 1.07 and 1.08. The renderer does not work with the version 227 fanpatch for various reasons. Tested with Unreal 226final and Steam version of Unreal Gold (226).
Looks good whether full screen or windowed, on whatever graphics card's being used. compressed) textures, such as those from Unreal Tournament CD 2, the ones available here, these for the original Unreal, or New Vision for Deus Ex. Implements the full range of Unreal graphics functionality such as reflective surfaces, detail textures, fog. The renderer requires that your game is up-to-date, see Supported Games.
The renderer requires Windows Vista or later it works fine on DirectX 11 systems. Install required VS2010 runtimes: vcredist_x86.exe. Install required DirectX update: dxwebsetup.exe.